Staffordshire Shire Horse Association
"Meet and Greet the Shires"

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Staffordshire Shire Horse Association LogoThe newly formed Staffordshire Shire Horse Association got off to a really good start with their first major public event held at Trentham Gardens, Stoke-on-Trent on Bank Holiday Monday - May 28th. The event entitled "Meet and Greet the Shires" gave members of the public the opportunity not only to get up close to these magnificent animals, but also try their hand at mane platting and guessing the age and weight of some of the horses. Also on offer was the ever popular "ride" which despite the showery and dull day attracted long queues both children and adults all keen to see just how easy it was to ride a heavy horse. During the day the Association also put on ring demonstrations of both the riding and harness capabilities of the Shire Horse. In all 11 horses took part in the day.

Staffordshire Shire Association was formed in February this year with the aim of not only promoting the Shire Horse breed within Staffordshire but also to raise awareness of this skilled and powerful, but gentle and beautiful horse. The association also hopes to encourage the use of the Shire again in industry, and also get the breed removed from the rare breeds list. Membership is only £5 per year. The current management committee of the Association is:- Chairman Mick Hanson, Vice Chair Gill Turnock, Secretary Clair Boot, Treasurer Mags Clarke.

The Association is currently developing a web-site, but until this is up and running further details can be obtained by e-mailing

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 Staffordshire Shire Horse Association - Shire Gelding Old Cot Sprightly Samson  Staffordshire Shire Horse Association - Ransor Stud Shire Mare Queen of Hearts  Staffordshire Shire Horse Association - Ransor Stud Shire Filly Ransor Pearl Grey  Staffordshire Shire Horse Association - A Young Rider On Old Cot Sprightly Samson
   Staffordshire Shire Horse Association - Old Cot Sprightly Samson  Staffordshire Shire Horse Association  

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